Fire Hydrant Readiness
January 21, 2025 - The Fair Oaks Water District (FOWD) provides an update on the status of FOWD fire hydrant readiness
The recent devastation caused by the fierce Los Angeles fires has resulted in general criticism about California's water management and specific concerns about fire hydrant readiness to serve. This situation has caused some Fair Oaks Water District (FOWD) customers anxiety about the readiness to perform of FOWD owned fire hydrants.
• FOWD owns and maintains approximately 1800 fire hydrants.
• FOWD maintains a written Fire Hydrant Maintenance Program.
• FOWD maintains a hydraulic model that provides predicted flows and pressures at every FOWD owned fire hydrant.
• In 2024 FOWD completed a comprehensive Fire Hydrant Assessment Program and database of the results.
• Standard practice is for all FOWD fire hydrants to have two sources of water.
• In general, FOWD fire hydrants can maintain both pressure and required flow by a gravity flow of surface water.
• FOWD maintains a redundant water supply for fire hydrants of groundwater that has backup diesel generators to produce the water supply in emergencies.
• Over the last ten years the FOWD has replaced approximately 20 fire hydrants per year.
The FOWD is confident that your water system and water supply are ready to perform in accordance with design.
Policy Implications: None.
Fiscal Impact: None - routine maintenance of the FOWD water system is embedded in the 2025 Board approved budget.